A heartfelt glimpse into the life of a self-reliant 87-year-old as she grapples with the fear of being a burden to her granddaughter who begins to make sacrifices in order to care for her. A heartfelt glimpse into the life of a self-reliant 87-year-old as she grapples with the fear of being a burden to her granddaughter who begins to make sacrifices in order to care for her. A heartfelt glimpse into the life of a self-reliant 87-year-old as she grapples with the fear of being a burden to her granddaughter who begins to make sacrifices in order to care for her. A heartfelt glimpse into the life of a self-reliant 87-year-old as she grapples with the fear of being a burden to her granddaughter who begins to make sacrifices in order to care for her.