An Evening With Don Hertzfeldt, Who Will Not Be There
A selection of animated shorts by Oscar-nominated indie-animation icon Don Hertzfeldt, including the three episodes of World of Tomorrow, about a future in which your memories can continue to exist after your death. Clones, robots, time travelers, and uploading your consciousness into a cube: anything is possible! A selection of animated shorts by Oscar-nominated indie-animation icon Don Hertzfeldt, including the three episodes of World of Tomorrow, about a future in which your memories can continue to exist after your death. Clones, robots, time travelers, and uploading your consciousness into a cube: anything is possible! A selection of animated shorts by Oscar-nominated indie-animation icon Don Hertzfeldt, including the three episodes of World of Tomorrow, about a future in which your memories can continue to exist after your death. Clones, robots, time travelers, and uploading your consciousness into a cube: anything is possible! A selection of animated shorts by Oscar-nominated indie-animation icon Don Hertzfeldt, including the three episodes of World of Tomorrow, about a future in which your memories can continue to exist after your death. Clones, robots, time travelers, and uploading your consciousness into a cube: anything is possible!