During his morning routine, a teenager finds a mysterious tape containing an episode of a once lost children's television show that should have stayed forgotten. Will it illicit a reaction? Or is he just as desensitised as everybody else his age? During his morning routine, a teenager finds a mysterious tape containing an episode of a once lost children's television show that should have stayed forgotten. Will it illicit a reaction? Or is he just as desensitised as everybody else his age? During his morning routine, a teenager finds a mysterious tape containing an episode of a once lost children's television show that should have stayed forgotten. Will it illicit a reaction? Or is he just as desensitised as everybody else his age? During his morning routine, a teenager finds a mysterious tape containing an episode of a once lost children's television show that should have stayed forgotten. Will it illicit a reaction? Or is he just as desensitised as everybody else his age?