Attack of the Killer Panda
Horror, Comedy
Country: United States of America
In this upcoming black and white independent Horror/Comedy film, a pair of determined amateur hunters team up with some Italian mobsters, incompetent small town cops and a few party animal whack jobs to take down a Killer Stuffed Animal Panda. In this upcoming black and white independent Horror/Comedy film, a pair of determined amateur hunters team up with some Italian mobsters, incompetent small town cops and a few party animal whack jobs to take down a Killer Stuffed Animal Panda. In this upcoming black and white independent Horror/Comedy film, a pair of determined amateur hunters team up with some Italian mobsters, incompetent small town cops and a few party animal whack jobs to take down a Killer Stuffed Animal Panda. In this upcoming black and white independent Horror/Comedy film, a pair of determined amateur hunters team up with some Italian mobsters, incompetent small town cops and a few party animal whack jobs to take down a Killer Stuffed Animal Panda.