In this futuristic thriller based around resistance against a tyrant government that's propagating religious, political, and racial polarization and xenophobia, a Muslim immigrant flees The West in hopes of leaving his secretive past behind to implement his vision of creating a New World Order and preventing WWIII from happening. In this futuristic thriller based around resistance against a tyrant government that's propagating religious, political, and racial polarization and xenophobia, a Muslim immigrant flees The West in hopes of leaving his secretive past behind to implement his vision of creating a New World Order and preventing WWIII from happening. In this futuristic thriller based around resistance against a tyrant government that's propagating religious, political, and racial polarization and xenophobia, a Muslim immigrant flees The West in hopes of leaving his secretive past behind to implement his vision of creating a New World Order and preventing WWIII from happening. In this futuristic thriller based around resistance against a tyrant government that's propagating religious, political, and racial polarization and xenophobia, a Muslim immigrant flees The West in hopes of leaving his secretive past behind to implement his vision of creating a New World Order and preventing WWIII from happening.