Saloni, a young girl from rural Bihar (India) who challenges societal norms to pursue her education. The narrative explores the boys’ fascination with social networking, against the backdrop of Saloni father’s quiet support and her unwavering resolve amidst obstacles. Saloni, a young girl from rural Bihar (India) who challenges societal norms to pursue her education. The narrative explores the boys’ fascination with social networking, against the backdrop of Saloni father’s quiet support and her unwavering resolve amidst obstacles. Saloni, a young girl from rural Bihar (India) who challenges societal norms to pursue her education. The narrative explores the boys’ fascination with social networking, against the backdrop of Saloni father’s quiet support and her unwavering resolve amidst obstacles. Saloni, a young girl from rural Bihar (India) who challenges societal norms to pursue her education. The narrative explores the boys’ fascination with social networking, against the backdrop of Saloni father’s quiet support and her unwavering resolve amidst obstacles.