The long awaited sequel to 'Beans: The Movie'. In this installment Bean Men take over the world and change all of the people into beans. Their brains are affected first. They begin to become bean. The long awaited sequel to 'Beans: The Movie'. In this installment Bean Men take over the world and change all of the people into beans. Their brains are affected first. They begin to become bean. The long awaited sequel to 'Beans: The Movie'. In this installment Bean Men take over the world and change all of the people into beans. Their brains are affected first. They begin to become bean. The long awaited sequel to 'Beans: The Movie'. In this installment Bean Men take over the world and change all of the people into beans. Their brains are affected first. They begin to become bean.
Where to Watch Beans: The Movie: The Sequel: Electric Boogaloo: The Return Of The Bean Men