Beast Boy (Fan Film)
Between his years with The Doom Patrol and The Teen Titans, Gar Logan moves to Los Angeles with his cousin, Mattie, on a journey of self-discovery. This film is not associated with Warner Brothers Discovery or DC Studios. This is a non-profit fan film made with love for the material that introduced Beast Boy to many generations of fans Between his years with The Doom Patrol and The Teen Titans, Gar Logan moves to Los Angeles with his cousin, Mattie, on a journey of self-discovery. This film is not associated with Warner Brothers Discovery or DC Studios. This is a non-profit fan film made with love for the material that introduced Beast Boy to many generations of fans Between his years with The Doom Patrol and The Teen Titans, Gar Logan moves to Los Angeles with his cousin, Mattie, on a journey of self-discovery. This film is not associated with Warner Brothers Discovery or DC Studios. This is a non-profit fan film made with love for the material that introduced Beast Boy to many generations of fans Between his years with The Doom Patrol and The Teen Titans, Gar Logan moves to Los Angeles with his cousin, Mattie, on a journey of self-discovery. This film is not associated with Warner Brothers Discovery or DC Studios. This is a non-profit fan film made with love for the material that introduced Beast Boy to many generations of fans