Ben 10,010
In a distant future, where Gwen is President of the United States, the earth is under attack by an alien horde. Gwen leads the resistance against the threat. Ben, on the other hand, has been out of touch with his family for a long time. After being persuaded to come out of retirement, the grown-up Ben returns to the past to ask young Ben for help. Only together can they repel an attack that threatens the future. In a distant future, where Gwen is President of the United States, the earth is under attack by an alien horde. Gwen leads the resistance against the threat. Ben, on the other hand, has been out of touch with his family for a long time. After being persuaded to come out of retirement, the grown-up Ben returns to the past to ask young Ben for help. Only together can they repel an attack that threatens the future. In a distant future, where Gwen is President of the United States, the earth is under attack by an alien horde. Gwen leads the resistance against the threat. Ben, on the other hand, has been out of touch with his family for a long time. After being persuaded to come out of retirement, the grown-up Ben returns to the past to ask young Ben for help. Only together can they repel an attack that threatens the future. In a distant future, where Gwen is President of the United States, the earth is under attack by an alien horde. Gwen leads the resistance against the threat. Ben, on the other hand, has been out of touch with his family for a long time. After being persuaded to come out of retirement, the grown-up Ben returns to the past to ask young Ben for help. Only together can they repel an attack that threatens the future.