"Black Stone" is an exciting new superhero movie that tells the story of a regular person who gains incredible powers from an alien artifact. As they navigate their newfound abilities, they face thrilling challenges and discover the true meaning of courage and strength. "Black Stone" is an exciting new superhero movie that tells the story of a regular person who gains incredible powers from an alien artifact. As they navigate their newfound abilities, they face thrilling challenges and discover the true meaning of courage and strength. "Black Stone" is an exciting new superhero movie that tells the story of a regular person who gains incredible powers from an alien artifact. As they navigate their newfound abilities, they face thrilling challenges and discover the true meaning of courage and strength. "Black Stone" is an exciting new superhero movie that tells the story of a regular person who gains incredible powers from an alien artifact. As they navigate their newfound abilities, they face thrilling challenges and discover the true meaning of courage and strength.