The story behind the last remaining leader of Jiztan, a rebellious group vying for the liberation of the fictitious Middle Eastern nation and British Colony of Bobajiztan. The visual complement to AgusFortnite2008's album of the same name. The story behind the last remaining leader of Jiztan, a rebellious group vying for the liberation of the fictitious Middle Eastern nation and British Colony of Bobajiztan. The visual complement to AgusFortnite2008's album of the same name. The story behind the last remaining leader of Jiztan, a rebellious group vying for the liberation of the fictitious Middle Eastern nation and British Colony of Bobajiztan. The visual complement to AgusFortnite2008's album of the same name. The story behind the last remaining leader of Jiztan, a rebellious group vying for the liberation of the fictitious Middle Eastern nation and British Colony of Bobajiztan. The visual complement to AgusFortnite2008's album of the same name.