Brian's Garage
a short film by acclaimed movie director jules deluchi as part of a university project for their course module 'death dying and the corpse', focusing on the life and terminal illness of their father, and the junk he has accumulated on the way a short film by acclaimed movie director jules deluchi as part of a university project for their course module 'death dying and the corpse', focusing on the life and terminal illness of their father, and the junk he has accumulated on the way a short film by acclaimed movie director jules deluchi as part of a university project for their course module 'death dying and the corpse', focusing on the life and terminal illness of their father, and the junk he has accumulated on the way a short film by acclaimed movie director jules deluchi as part of a university project for their course module 'death dying and the corpse', focusing on the life and terminal illness of their father, and the junk he has accumulated on the way