Buzz of the Earth
Country: Czech Republic
In this mockumentary, the European Space Agency forms a team of scientists to craft a message to send to alien civilizations. As they work to compile a comprehensive report on humanity, the team is faced with unexpected challenges, including debates on what should be said and how it should be expressed. In this mockumentary, the European Space Agency forms a team of scientists to craft a message to send to alien civilizations. As they work to compile a comprehensive report on humanity, the team is faced with unexpected challenges, including debates on what should be said and how it should be expressed. In this mockumentary, the European Space Agency forms a team of scientists to craft a message to send to alien civilizations. As they work to compile a comprehensive report on humanity, the team is faced with unexpected challenges, including debates on what should be said and how it should be expressed. In this mockumentary, the European Space Agency forms a team of scientists to craft a message to send to alien civilizations. As they work to compile a comprehensive report on humanity, the team is faced with unexpected challenges, including debates on what should be said and how it should be expressed.