Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End

Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End

7 Mystery, TV Movie Rated: PG 2019 1h25m On: Country: Canada
The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast centers on the death of a man whose wife seems certain to be convicted for his murder. Fairly certain that the woman did not kill her husband, it’s up to Alex to figure out who the real killer is as the trial heads toward its conclusion. The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast centers on the death of a man whose wife seems certain to be convicted for his murder. Fairly certain that the woman did not kill her husband, it’s up to Alex to figure out who the real killer is as the trial heads toward its conclusion. The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast centers on the death of a man whose wife seems certain to be convicted for his murder. Fairly certain that the woman did not kill her husband, it’s up to Alex to figure out who the real killer is as the trial heads toward its conclusion. The latest edition of Alex McPherson’s true crime podcast centers on the death of a man whose wife seems certain to be convicted for his murder. Fairly certain that the woman did not kill her husband, it’s up to Alex to figure out who the real killer is as the trial heads toward its conclusion.
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