A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot." A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot." A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot." A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot."