Dead-End Junction
In an industrial town, three teenagers, Sloan, Faye and Tommy share an unbreakable bond. They all have a burning desire to escape their mundane lives. In one night, their relationship is thrown into turmoil. In an industrial town, three teenagers, Sloan, Faye and Tommy share an unbreakable bond. They all have a burning desire to escape their mundane lives. In one night, their relationship is thrown into turmoil. In an industrial town, three teenagers, Sloan, Faye and Tommy share an unbreakable bond. They all have a burning desire to escape their mundane lives. In one night, their relationship is thrown into turmoil. In an industrial town, three teenagers, Sloan, Faye and Tommy share an unbreakable bond. They all have a burning desire to escape their mundane lives. In one night, their relationship is thrown into turmoil.