Denis Villeneuve's Dune
DUNE follows Paul Atreides a young man haunted by prophetic dreams and fated for greatness. The son of a brave ruler and warrior priestess mother he must defend his family’s stewardship of the world’s most valued resource. Dune: Part Two completes the cautionary tale of Paul Atreides’ rise to power. Vengeance, prophecy, fervent followers and political manipulation lead Paul to abandon the pull of love and his conscience to accept a fate he knows will destroy so much. DUNE follows Paul Atreides a young man haunted by prophetic dreams and fated for greatness. The son of a brave ruler and warrior priestess mother he must defend his family’s stewardship of the world’s most valued resource. Dune: Part Two completes the cautionary tale of Paul Atreides’ rise to power. Vengeance, prophecy, fervent followers and political manipulation lead Paul to abandon the pull of love and his conscience to accept a fate he knows will destroy so much. DUNE follows Paul Atreides a young man haunted by prophetic dreams and fated for greatness. The son of a brave ruler and warrior priestess mother he must defend his family’s stewardship of the world’s most valued resource. Dune: Part Two completes the cautionary tale of Paul Atreides’ rise to power. Vengeance, prophecy, fervent followers and political manipulation lead Paul to abandon the pull of love and his conscience to accept a fate he knows will destroy so much. DUNE follows Paul Atreides a young man haunted by prophetic dreams and fated for greatness. The son of a brave ruler and warrior priestess mother he must defend his family’s stewardship of the world’s most valued resource. Dune: Part Two completes the cautionary tale of Paul Atreides’ rise to power. Vengeance, prophecy, fervent followers and political manipulation lead Paul to abandon the pull of love and his conscience to accept a fate he knows will destroy so much.