Denn sie kennen kein Erbarmen: Der Italowestern
The beginnings, development and decline of so-called spaghetti-western genre; with clips, interviews and opinions of producers, actors and directors. A nostalgic look at those movies that are still in the taste of many. The beginnings, development and decline of so-called spaghetti-western genre; with clips, interviews and opinions of producers, actors and directors. A nostalgic look at those movies that are still in the taste of many. The beginnings, development and decline of so-called spaghetti-western genre; with clips, interviews and opinions of producers, actors and directors. A nostalgic look at those movies that are still in the taste of many. The beginnings, development and decline of so-called spaghetti-western genre; with clips, interviews and opinions of producers, actors and directors. A nostalgic look at those movies that are still in the taste of many.