Doctor Who: Seasons of War
'Seasons of War' is an unofficial short film that features the character of the War Doctor from the BBC TV series Doctor Who. It was created to help promote an anthology of specially-commissioned stories about him - all in aid of the UK charity, Caudwell Children. 'Seasons of War' is an unofficial short film that features the character of the War Doctor from the BBC TV series Doctor Who. It was created to help promote an anthology of specially-commissioned stories about him - all in aid of the UK charity, Caudwell Children. 'Seasons of War' is an unofficial short film that features the character of the War Doctor from the BBC TV series Doctor Who. It was created to help promote an anthology of specially-commissioned stories about him - all in aid of the UK charity, Caudwell Children. 'Seasons of War' is an unofficial short film that features the character of the War Doctor from the BBC TV series Doctor Who. It was created to help promote an anthology of specially-commissioned stories about him - all in aid of the UK charity, Caudwell Children.