Dr. Silicon
Country: Egypt
The plastic surgeon Makram Abu Al-Makarim works with the Mafia and assisted by his nurse, Sahar is pursued by a reporter who is making a field research on the dangers of plastic surgeries and their harmful applications. The plastic surgeon Makram Abu Al-Makarim works with the Mafia and assisted by his nurse, Sahar is pursued by a reporter who is making a field research on the dangers of plastic surgeries and their harmful applications. The plastic surgeon Makram Abu Al-Makarim works with the Mafia and assisted by his nurse, Sahar is pursued by a reporter who is making a field research on the dangers of plastic surgeries and their harmful applications. The plastic surgeon Makram Abu Al-Makarim works with the Mafia and assisted by his nurse, Sahar is pursued by a reporter who is making a field research on the dangers of plastic surgeries and their harmful applications.