Rumored mock parody trailer in which Elmer Budd finally kills The Wascally Wabbit and The Duck and begins to lose his sanity. Budd is revoked of his hunting license and begins to go on a killing spree. Rumored mock parody trailer in which Elmer Budd finally kills The Wascally Wabbit and The Duck and begins to lose his sanity. Budd is revoked of his hunting license and begins to go on a killing spree. Rumored mock parody trailer in which Elmer Budd finally kills The Wascally Wabbit and The Duck and begins to lose his sanity. Budd is revoked of his hunting license and begins to go on a killing spree. Rumored mock parody trailer in which Elmer Budd finally kills The Wascally Wabbit and The Duck and begins to lose his sanity. Budd is revoked of his hunting license and begins to go on a killing spree.