a compassionate new documentary from award-winning filmmaker Millefiore Clarkes. It centers on Evelyn Christopher, a 94-year-old farmer who still wakes up at dawn to work her fields. She grows vegetables, stacks firewood and doesn’t really care for contemporary society. a compassionate new documentary from award-winning filmmaker Millefiore Clarkes. It centers on Evelyn Christopher, a 94-year-old farmer who still wakes up at dawn to work her fields. She grows vegetables, stacks firewood and doesn’t really care for contemporary society. a compassionate new documentary from award-winning filmmaker Millefiore Clarkes. It centers on Evelyn Christopher, a 94-year-old farmer who still wakes up at dawn to work her fields. She grows vegetables, stacks firewood and doesn’t really care for contemporary society. a compassionate new documentary from award-winning filmmaker Millefiore Clarkes. It centers on Evelyn Christopher, a 94-year-old farmer who still wakes up at dawn to work her fields. She grows vegetables, stacks firewood and doesn’t really care for contemporary society.