Faces of Earth
Country: United States of America
Faces of Earth is a 4-hour high-definition television series about the ever-changing planet we live on. The only thing constant on Earth is change and Faces of Earth examines this phenomenon through the eyes of those that know it best - geoscientists. Explosive volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and even human beings contribute to the constant changes on the Earth's surface. Faces of Earth is a 4-hour high-definition television series about the ever-changing planet we live on. The only thing constant on Earth is change and Faces of Earth examines this phenomenon through the eyes of those that know it best - geoscientists. Explosive volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and even human beings contribute to the constant changes on the Earth's surface. Faces of Earth is a 4-hour high-definition television series about the ever-changing planet we live on. The only thing constant on Earth is change and Faces of Earth examines this phenomenon through the eyes of those that know it best - geoscientists. Explosive volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and even human beings contribute to the constant changes on the Earth's surface. Faces of Earth is a 4-hour high-definition television series about the ever-changing planet we live on. The only thing constant on Earth is change and Faces of Earth examines this phenomenon through the eyes of those that know it best - geoscientists. Explosive volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and even human beings contribute to the constant changes on the Earth's surface.