Former Freedom Fighter
The documentary film "Former Freedom Fighter" documents the lives of fighters who carried weapons in defense of Palestine and spent years of their lives in the occupation's prisons. After their liberation, they lived a life different from the one they had dreamed of. The documentary film "Former Freedom Fighter" documents the lives of fighters who carried weapons in defense of Palestine and spent years of their lives in the occupation's prisons. After their liberation, they lived a life different from the one they had dreamed of. The documentary film "Former Freedom Fighter" documents the lives of fighters who carried weapons in defense of Palestine and spent years of their lives in the occupation's prisons. After their liberation, they lived a life different from the one they had dreamed of. The documentary film "Former Freedom Fighter" documents the lives of fighters who carried weapons in defense of Palestine and spent years of their lives in the occupation's prisons. After their liberation, they lived a life different from the one they had dreamed of.