Godzilla Gets a YouTube Award, Part 3 (Fan Parody Animation)
On the Island of Not Overly Notable Monsters, the serpentine kaiju Reptilicus has a dicussion with fellow monsters Yongary and Agon the Atomic Dragon about the merits of the kaiju genre. On the Island of Not Overly Notable Monsters, the serpentine kaiju Reptilicus has a dicussion with fellow monsters Yongary and Agon the Atomic Dragon about the merits of the kaiju genre. On the Island of Not Overly Notable Monsters, the serpentine kaiju Reptilicus has a dicussion with fellow monsters Yongary and Agon the Atomic Dragon about the merits of the kaiju genre. On the Island of Not Overly Notable Monsters, the serpentine kaiju Reptilicus has a dicussion with fellow monsters Yongary and Agon the Atomic Dragon about the merits of the kaiju genre.