Set against the stunning backdrop of Aotearoa’s Mount Maunganui, Goldfish is a turbulent, poignant and deeply humorous coming-of-age tale. Sisters Ivy and Harper Blackmore navigate the many challenges of childhood, adolescence, and the painful complexities of friendship, love and identity. At its core, Goldfish explores what it means to grow up, make mistakes, and ultimately, learn that sometimes the people who know us the best, are the ones we can never leave behind. Set against the stunning backdrop of Aotearoa’s Mount Maunganui, Goldfish is a turbulent, poignant and deeply humorous coming-of-age tale. Sisters Ivy and Harper Blackmore navigate the many challenges of childhood, adolescence, and the painful complexities of friendship, love and identity. At its core, Goldfish explores what it means to grow up, make mistakes, and ultimately, learn that sometimes the people who know us the best, are the ones we can never leave behind. Set against the stunning backdrop of Aotearoa’s Mount Maunganui, Goldfish is a turbulent, poignant and deeply humorous coming-of-age tale. Sisters Ivy and Harper Blackmore navigate the many challenges of childhood, adolescence, and the painful complexities of friendship, love and identity. At its core, Goldfish explores what it means to grow up, make mistakes, and ultimately, learn that sometimes the people who know us the best, are the ones we can never leave behind. Set against the stunning backdrop of Aotearoa’s Mount Maunganui, Goldfish is a turbulent, poignant and deeply humorous coming-of-age tale. Sisters Ivy and Harper Blackmore navigate the many challenges of childhood, adolescence, and the painful complexities of friendship, love and identity. At its core, Goldfish explores what it means to grow up, make mistakes, and ultimately, learn that sometimes the people who know us the best, are the ones we can never leave behind.