Greedy Germ
The animated protagonists of the film “Greedy Germ” live in a microscopically small world.
They are organisms and germs, friendly and timid little creatures that help each other. One day however, a mysterious intruder appears and ruthlessly destroys their peaceful coexistence. The animated protagonists of the film “Greedy Germ” live in a microscopically small world.
They are organisms and germs, friendly and timid little creatures that help each other. One day however, a mysterious intruder appears and ruthlessly destroys their peaceful coexistence. The animated protagonists of the film “Greedy Germ” live in a microscopically small world.
They are organisms and germs, friendly and timid little creatures that help each other. One day however, a mysterious intruder appears and ruthlessly destroys their peaceful coexistence. The animated protagonists of the film “Greedy Germ” live in a microscopically small world.
They are organisms and germs, friendly and timid little creatures that help each other. One day however, a mysterious intruder appears and ruthlessly destroys their peaceful coexistence.