Halo of Stars
Country: United States of America
Set against the backdrop of a small traveling circus, a European clown and his 5-year-old daughter lead each other through the everyday mysteries of love, magic and loss. Based on the long poem “The Clown” by Anthony Lucero. Set against the backdrop of a small traveling circus, a European clown and his 5-year-old daughter lead each other through the everyday mysteries of love, magic and loss. Based on the long poem “The Clown” by Anthony Lucero. Set against the backdrop of a small traveling circus, a European clown and his 5-year-old daughter lead each other through the everyday mysteries of love, magic and loss. Based on the long poem “The Clown” by Anthony Lucero. Set against the backdrop of a small traveling circus, a European clown and his 5-year-old daughter lead each other through the everyday mysteries of love, magic and loss. Based on the long poem “The Clown” by Anthony Lucero.