Honey, Let Me Hurt You
In the midst of a tumultuous week, Ennis (Jamie Sears), a 19-year-old college student, battles internal demons, toxic relationships, and self-destructive tendencies, leading to a life changing night that leaves him emotionally and physically scarred. In the midst of a tumultuous week, Ennis (Jamie Sears), a 19-year-old college student, battles internal demons, toxic relationships, and self-destructive tendencies, leading to a life changing night that leaves him emotionally and physically scarred. In the midst of a tumultuous week, Ennis (Jamie Sears), a 19-year-old college student, battles internal demons, toxic relationships, and self-destructive tendencies, leading to a life changing night that leaves him emotionally and physically scarred. In the midst of a tumultuous week, Ennis (Jamie Sears), a 19-year-old college student, battles internal demons, toxic relationships, and self-destructive tendencies, leading to a life changing night that leaves him emotionally and physically scarred.