Nestled in her cozy tree trunk home, a bird is going about her day when a wild honeybee flies into her house. The small but startling encounter unfolds into an intense, tumultuous journey of anxiety, fear, and self-acceptance. Nestled in her cozy tree trunk home, a bird is going about her day when a wild honeybee flies into her house. The small but startling encounter unfolds into an intense, tumultuous journey of anxiety, fear, and self-acceptance. Nestled in her cozy tree trunk home, a bird is going about her day when a wild honeybee flies into her house. The small but startling encounter unfolds into an intense, tumultuous journey of anxiety, fear, and self-acceptance. Nestled in her cozy tree trunk home, a bird is going about her day when a wild honeybee flies into her house. The small but startling encounter unfolds into an intense, tumultuous journey of anxiety, fear, and self-acceptance.