Country: United States of America
Based on Rupert Isaacson's autobiographical book, the film follows the journey of Emily and Jonatha's son, Noah, an autistic child who rarely talks and isn't improving despite his parents' efforts to connect with him. Based on Rupert Isaacson's autobiographical book, the film follows the journey of Emily and Jonatha's son, Noah, an autistic child who rarely talks and isn't improving despite his parents' efforts to connect with him. Based on Rupert Isaacson's autobiographical book, the film follows the journey of Emily and Jonatha's son, Noah, an autistic child who rarely talks and isn't improving despite his parents' efforts to connect with him. Based on Rupert Isaacson's autobiographical book, the film follows the journey of Emily and Jonatha's son, Noah, an autistic child who rarely talks and isn't improving despite his parents' efforts to connect with him.