Impression of Bieji
Impressions of Bieji is a film based on the legendary stories of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The film unfolds the story of a young French man tracing the footprints left by his grandfather in China in his early years, with old photos and a yellowed diary, making him seem to see the life and love of the Yi people along the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway during the Republic of China. The story is intertwined between the past and the present, and the plot is legendary. The whole film is full of magnificent natural scenery and strong ethnic minority customs. Impressions of Bieji is a film based on the legendary stories of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The film unfolds the story of a young French man tracing the footprints left by his grandfather in China in his early years, with old photos and a yellowed diary, making him seem to see the life and love of the Yi people along the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway during the Republic of China. The story is intertwined between the past and the present, and the plot is legendary. The whole film is full of magnificent natural scenery and strong ethnic minority customs. Impressions of Bieji is a film based on the legendary stories of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The film unfolds the story of a young French man tracing the footprints left by his grandfather in China in his early years, with old photos and a yellowed diary, making him seem to see the life and love of the Yi people along the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway during the Republic of China. The story is intertwined between the past and the present, and the plot is legendary. The whole film is full of magnificent natural scenery and strong ethnic minority customs. Impressions of Bieji is a film based on the legendary stories of ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The film unfolds the story of a young French man tracing the footprints left by his grandfather in China in his early years, with old photos and a yellowed diary, making him seem to see the life and love of the Yi people along the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway during the Republic of China. The story is intertwined between the past and the present, and the plot is legendary. The whole film is full of magnificent natural scenery and strong ethnic minority customs.