Kong vs. Zilla - MonsterVerse Fight Animation
After Kong stumbles upon a juvenile Godzilla, Kong discovers a rogue ZIlla on the prowl, seemingly hunting the juvenile. After they collide, the two monsters begin a freeform fight in the low gravity Hollow Earth. After Kong stumbles upon a juvenile Godzilla, Kong discovers a rogue ZIlla on the prowl, seemingly hunting the juvenile. After they collide, the two monsters begin a freeform fight in the low gravity Hollow Earth. After Kong stumbles upon a juvenile Godzilla, Kong discovers a rogue ZIlla on the prowl, seemingly hunting the juvenile. After they collide, the two monsters begin a freeform fight in the low gravity Hollow Earth. After Kong stumbles upon a juvenile Godzilla, Kong discovers a rogue ZIlla on the prowl, seemingly hunting the juvenile. After they collide, the two monsters begin a freeform fight in the low gravity Hollow Earth.