"Korka" is an intense drama film that follows Isac, a young man who navigates the scary world of ID card sales with his friend Jens. Together they explore the gray areas of legality and loyalty, where every choice can have unexpected consequences. "Korka" is an intense drama film that follows Isac, a young man who navigates the scary world of ID card sales with his friend Jens. Together they explore the gray areas of legality and loyalty, where every choice can have unexpected consequences. "Korka" is an intense drama film that follows Isac, a young man who navigates the scary world of ID card sales with his friend Jens. Together they explore the gray areas of legality and loyalty, where every choice can have unexpected consequences. "Korka" is an intense drama film that follows Isac, a young man who navigates the scary world of ID card sales with his friend Jens. Together they explore the gray areas of legality and loyalty, where every choice can have unexpected consequences.