Kumar Kumar
Country: United States of America
Kumar Kumar is alone on his birthday. His social feed is dead. Maybe he should be too? But then, the computer dings. An immigrant of color, Kumar Kumar is a stranger in a new land, often unwelcome, who craves human connection. Kumar Kumar is alone on his birthday. His social feed is dead. Maybe he should be too? But then, the computer dings. An immigrant of color, Kumar Kumar is a stranger in a new land, often unwelcome, who craves human connection. Kumar Kumar is alone on his birthday. His social feed is dead. Maybe he should be too? But then, the computer dings. An immigrant of color, Kumar Kumar is a stranger in a new land, often unwelcome, who craves human connection. Kumar Kumar is alone on his birthday. His social feed is dead. Maybe he should be too? But then, the computer dings. An immigrant of color, Kumar Kumar is a stranger in a new land, often unwelcome, who craves human connection.