Life and Death
A timeless tale of friendship and betrayal. Set in the year 2200 in New Rome City, the sole heir to the Papa Geno empire undergoes a dangerous journey, along with his friend Bambino, to end the family's bloody rivalry with the Carpaccio family. A timeless tale of friendship and betrayal. Set in the year 2200 in New Rome City, the sole heir to the Papa Geno empire undergoes a dangerous journey, along with his friend Bambino, to end the family's bloody rivalry with the Carpaccio family. A timeless tale of friendship and betrayal. Set in the year 2200 in New Rome City, the sole heir to the Papa Geno empire undergoes a dangerous journey, along with his friend Bambino, to end the family's bloody rivalry with the Carpaccio family. A timeless tale of friendship and betrayal. Set in the year 2200 in New Rome City, the sole heir to the Papa Geno empire undergoes a dangerous journey, along with his friend Bambino, to end the family's bloody rivalry with the Carpaccio family.