This short documentary invites you into the world of liminal spaces. These locations exist on a spectrum, having the ability to influence subconscious emotions. At one end, they bring comfort and nostalgia; and on the other, unease and dread. This short documentary invites you into the world of liminal spaces. These locations exist on a spectrum, having the ability to influence subconscious emotions. At one end, they bring comfort and nostalgia; and on the other, unease and dread. This short documentary invites you into the world of liminal spaces. These locations exist on a spectrum, having the ability to influence subconscious emotions. At one end, they bring comfort and nostalgia; and on the other, unease and dread. This short documentary invites you into the world of liminal spaces. These locations exist on a spectrum, having the ability to influence subconscious emotions. At one end, they bring comfort and nostalgia; and on the other, unease and dread.