Inspired by real events, a fanatic of Soekarno (the 1st President of Indonesia) accidentally encounters his reincarnation's spirit in the late 1970s. Departing from a fragment of the story, the director attempts to reconstruct the narrative with their own version. Inspired by real events, a fanatic of Soekarno (the 1st President of Indonesia) accidentally encounters his reincarnation's spirit in the late 1970s. Departing from a fragment of the story, the director attempts to reconstruct the narrative with their own version. Inspired by real events, a fanatic of Soekarno (the 1st President of Indonesia) accidentally encounters his reincarnation's spirit in the late 1970s. Departing from a fragment of the story, the director attempts to reconstruct the narrative with their own version. Inspired by real events, a fanatic of Soekarno (the 1st President of Indonesia) accidentally encounters his reincarnation's spirit in the late 1970s. Departing from a fragment of the story, the director attempts to reconstruct the narrative with their own version.