Metamorphosis’ Chantings Or That Time When I Incarnated As Porpoise
Life is metamorphosis, bounding from being to being as new ways of saying “I.” In 16mm, Ainá Xisto prints an abyssal record guided by a more-than-human relationship through dreamlike landscapes, creating a magical reality inhabited by real characters, opened up to dialogue and to others. Life is metamorphosis, bounding from being to being as new ways of saying “I.” In 16mm, Ainá Xisto prints an abyssal record guided by a more-than-human relationship through dreamlike landscapes, creating a magical reality inhabited by real characters, opened up to dialogue and to others. Life is metamorphosis, bounding from being to being as new ways of saying “I.” In 16mm, Ainá Xisto prints an abyssal record guided by a more-than-human relationship through dreamlike landscapes, creating a magical reality inhabited by real characters, opened up to dialogue and to others. Life is metamorphosis, bounding from being to being as new ways of saying “I.” In 16mm, Ainá Xisto prints an abyssal record guided by a more-than-human relationship through dreamlike landscapes, creating a magical reality inhabited by real characters, opened up to dialogue and to others.