Madam Shawie and Tita Marsha are two makeup artists who have dedicated their lives to their craft in two very different worlds. Each recounts their fifty-year journey in makeup, from their triumphs to the unspoken struggles of their profession, with stories of art, love, and loss woven into each brushstroke. But one day, a strange twist of fate brings these two artists together in a mysterious, dreamlike studio where the worlds of the living and the dead intertwine. Madam Shawie and Tita Marsha are two makeup artists who have dedicated their lives to their craft in two very different worlds. Each recounts their fifty-year journey in makeup, from their triumphs to the unspoken struggles of their profession, with stories of art, love, and loss woven into each brushstroke. But one day, a strange twist of fate brings these two artists together in a mysterious, dreamlike studio where the worlds of the living and the dead intertwine. Madam Shawie and Tita Marsha are two makeup artists who have dedicated their lives to their craft in two very different worlds. Each recounts their fifty-year journey in makeup, from their triumphs to the unspoken struggles of their profession, with stories of art, love, and loss woven into each brushstroke. But one day, a strange twist of fate brings these two artists together in a mysterious, dreamlike studio where the worlds of the living and the dead intertwine. Madam Shawie and Tita Marsha are two makeup artists who have dedicated their lives to their craft in two very different worlds. Each recounts their fifty-year journey in makeup, from their triumphs to the unspoken struggles of their profession, with stories of art, love, and loss woven into each brushstroke. But one day, a strange twist of fate brings these two artists together in a mysterious, dreamlike studio where the worlds of the living and the dead intertwine.