A feature film based on the 2018 short film of the same name. Plot follows a sheltered young teen who goes into the kitchen for a glass of milk late at night. Upon encountering his sleepless overbearing mother, he quickly realizes his reality isn’t what it seems. A feature film based on the 2018 short film of the same name. Plot follows a sheltered young teen who goes into the kitchen for a glass of milk late at night. Upon encountering his sleepless overbearing mother, he quickly realizes his reality isn’t what it seems. A feature film based on the 2018 short film of the same name. Plot follows a sheltered young teen who goes into the kitchen for a glass of milk late at night. Upon encountering his sleepless overbearing mother, he quickly realizes his reality isn’t what it seems. A feature film based on the 2018 short film of the same name. Plot follows a sheltered young teen who goes into the kitchen for a glass of milk late at night. Upon encountering his sleepless overbearing mother, he quickly realizes his reality isn’t what it seems.