Minion Moments: Drenched
Animation, Family
Country: United States of America
In this short, the Minions dive into a water-themed virtual reality experience. What starts as innocent fun quickly turns into a soaking-wet escapade as their mischievous nature takes over, leading to a chaotic and hilarious wet-and-wild adventure. In this short, the Minions dive into a water-themed virtual reality experience. What starts as innocent fun quickly turns into a soaking-wet escapade as their mischievous nature takes over, leading to a chaotic and hilarious wet-and-wild adventure. In this short, the Minions dive into a water-themed virtual reality experience. What starts as innocent fun quickly turns into a soaking-wet escapade as their mischievous nature takes over, leading to a chaotic and hilarious wet-and-wild adventure. In this short, the Minions dive into a water-themed virtual reality experience. What starts as innocent fun quickly turns into a soaking-wet escapade as their mischievous nature takes over, leading to a chaotic and hilarious wet-and-wild adventure.