Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Incredible Melting Man
In an intriguing coincidence, Crow finally gets to direct his first feature film, "Earth vs. Soup," in between viewing The Incredible Melting Man (1977), a film about a incredibly '70s physician trying to stop an astronaut from gradually turning into soup. In an intriguing coincidence, Crow finally gets to direct his first feature film, "Earth vs. Soup," in between viewing The Incredible Melting Man (1977), a film about a incredibly '70s physician trying to stop an astronaut from gradually turning into soup. In an intriguing coincidence, Crow finally gets to direct his first feature film, "Earth vs. Soup," in between viewing The Incredible Melting Man (1977), a film about a incredibly '70s physician trying to stop an astronaut from gradually turning into soup. In an intriguing coincidence, Crow finally gets to direct his first feature film, "Earth vs. Soup," in between viewing The Incredible Melting Man (1977), a film about a incredibly '70s physician trying to stop an astronaut from gradually turning into soup.