Myth: A Frozen Tale
On: Disney+
Experience the world of Disney’s Frozen as never before with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ animated short film, Myth: A Frozen Tale. In a forest outside of Arendelle, a family sits down for a bedtime story and is transported to a mystical and enchanted forest where the elemental spirits come to life and the myth of their past and future is revealed. Experience the world of Disney’s Frozen as never before with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ animated short film, Myth: A Frozen Tale. In a forest outside of Arendelle, a family sits down for a bedtime story and is transported to a mystical and enchanted forest where the elemental spirits come to life and the myth of their past and future is revealed. Experience the world of Disney’s Frozen as never before with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ animated short film, Myth: A Frozen Tale. In a forest outside of Arendelle, a family sits down for a bedtime story and is transported to a mystical and enchanted forest where the elemental spirits come to life and the myth of their past and future is revealed. Experience the world of Disney’s Frozen as never before with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ animated short film, Myth: A Frozen Tale. In a forest outside of Arendelle, a family sits down for a bedtime story and is transported to a mystical and enchanted forest where the elemental spirits come to life and the myth of their past and future is revealed.