A film inspired by the events of 7th September, 2013 at Hyderabad's LB Stadium. A slogan was given in dissent of the 50,000 strong crowd that had gathered to fight for a United Andhra Pradesh. A film inspired by the events of 7th September, 2013 at Hyderabad's LB Stadium. A slogan was given in dissent of the 50,000 strong crowd that had gathered to fight for a United Andhra Pradesh. A film inspired by the events of 7th September, 2013 at Hyderabad's LB Stadium. A slogan was given in dissent of the 50,000 strong crowd that had gathered to fight for a United Andhra Pradesh. A film inspired by the events of 7th September, 2013 at Hyderabad's LB Stadium. A slogan was given in dissent of the 50,000 strong crowd that had gathered to fight for a United Andhra Pradesh.