Country: United States of America
As a mother seeking justice for her disappeared son during the dark days of Argentina's dictatorship, Norita's unwavering determination and fearless activism led her to co-found the renowned Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, a pivotal human rights organization. As a mother seeking justice for her disappeared son during the dark days of Argentina's dictatorship, Norita's unwavering determination and fearless activism led her to co-found the renowned Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, a pivotal human rights organization. As a mother seeking justice for her disappeared son during the dark days of Argentina's dictatorship, Norita's unwavering determination and fearless activism led her to co-found the renowned Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, a pivotal human rights organization. As a mother seeking justice for her disappeared son during the dark days of Argentina's dictatorship, Norita's unwavering determination and fearless activism led her to co-found the renowned Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, a pivotal human rights organization.