Nosrat Karimi, Being an Artist in Iran
This documentary series, spanning six feature-length films, explores the life and artistic journey of Nosratollah Karimi — an Iranian actor of theater and cinema, director, writer, sculptor, university professor, and gardener. This documentary series, spanning six feature-length films, explores the life and artistic journey of Nosratollah Karimi — an Iranian actor of theater and cinema, director, writer, sculptor, university professor, and gardener. This documentary series, spanning six feature-length films, explores the life and artistic journey of Nosratollah Karimi — an Iranian actor of theater and cinema, director, writer, sculptor, university professor, and gardener. This documentary series, spanning six feature-length films, explores the life and artistic journey of Nosratollah Karimi — an Iranian actor of theater and cinema, director, writer, sculptor, university professor, and gardener.