Country: United States of America
From water to air the lives of Odonates undergo dramatic change. This short film explores the life of an insect that predates the dinosaurs by 100 million years. Dragonflies and Damselflies were the first aerial predators, dominating the sky with powerful two and a half ft wingspans. Today they are smaller but there are 6,000 species worldwide. Here in James River Park we discover their unique abilities through flight, sight, and reproduction. From water to air the lives of Odonates undergo dramatic change. This short film explores the life of an insect that predates the dinosaurs by 100 million years. Dragonflies and Damselflies were the first aerial predators, dominating the sky with powerful two and a half ft wingspans. Today they are smaller but there are 6,000 species worldwide. Here in James River Park we discover their unique abilities through flight, sight, and reproduction. From water to air the lives of Odonates undergo dramatic change. This short film explores the life of an insect that predates the dinosaurs by 100 million years. Dragonflies and Damselflies were the first aerial predators, dominating the sky with powerful two and a half ft wingspans. Today they are smaller but there are 6,000 species worldwide. Here in James River Park we discover their unique abilities through flight, sight, and reproduction. From water to air the lives of Odonates undergo dramatic change. This short film explores the life of an insect that predates the dinosaurs by 100 million years. Dragonflies and Damselflies were the first aerial predators, dominating the sky with powerful two and a half ft wingspans. Today they are smaller but there are 6,000 species worldwide. Here in James River Park we discover their unique abilities through flight, sight, and reproduction.