Old Orchard Beach, P.Q.
A hot day on the well-known beach frequented mostly be Québecers. Throngs of vacationers, beach towels, sand pails, suntan oil. In the midst of the crowd, a pretty blond drifts off into a world of fantasy that becomes increasingly strange. A hot day on the well-known beach frequented mostly be Québecers. Throngs of vacationers, beach towels, sand pails, suntan oil. In the midst of the crowd, a pretty blond drifts off into a world of fantasy that becomes increasingly strange. A hot day on the well-known beach frequented mostly be Québecers. Throngs of vacationers, beach towels, sand pails, suntan oil. In the midst of the crowd, a pretty blond drifts off into a world of fantasy that becomes increasingly strange. A hot day on the well-known beach frequented mostly be Québecers. Throngs of vacationers, beach towels, sand pails, suntan oil. In the midst of the crowd, a pretty blond drifts off into a world of fantasy that becomes increasingly strange.