This heartwarming documentary tells the story of Staten Island's PS22 chorus -- who gained international fame after their YouTube videos went viral -- following them from their school auditorium to their engaging performance at the 2011 Oscars. This heartwarming documentary tells the story of Staten Island's PS22 chorus -- who gained international fame after their YouTube videos went viral -- following them from their school auditorium to their engaging performance at the 2011 Oscars. This heartwarming documentary tells the story of Staten Island's PS22 chorus -- who gained international fame after their YouTube videos went viral -- following them from their school auditorium to their engaging performance at the 2011 Oscars. This heartwarming documentary tells the story of Staten Island's PS22 chorus -- who gained international fame after their YouTube videos went viral -- following them from their school auditorium to their engaging performance at the 2011 Oscars.
Where to Watch Once in a Lullaby: The PS22 Chorus Story